Burn $ZKITTY for $xZKITTY to earn a % share of all revenues.
$ZKITTY can be burned into $xZKITTY to receive a higher share of protocol revenues
$xZKITTY is the ERC-721 derivative token (NFT)
To receive $xZKITTY, a minimum of 5000 $ZKITTY needs to be burned
Enjoy a revenue share every epoch (an epoch occurs every time the protocol generates 1 ETH in fees)
👉 RevShare Boosters
You can opt for a RevShare bonus booster to earn a larger share of revenue:
1 xZKITTY <> 5,000k $ZKITTY
5 xZKITTY <> 23,750k $ZKITTY (5% bonus)
10 xZKITTY <> 45,000k $ZKITTY (10% bonus)
15 xZKITTY <> 85,000k $ZKITTY (15% bonus)
20 xZKITTY <> 160,000k $ZKITTY (20% bonus)
$xZKITTY is transferrable, although not convertible back into $ZKITTY.
Burning $ZKITTY cannot be reversed.
Last updated